Thursday, 5 November 2015

Day 54 Kanunshya Bush Camp

Today is Zambia Independence Day - 51 years.  As the rest of Zambia celebrate we have a whole day with absolutely nothing to do except watch hippos, and I have no book to read!  We cooked a full breakfast, followed by yet another shower as we were feeling guilty that the lads looking after the campsite had heated the water again. 

Ian spent the afternoon asleep in his hammock whilst I attempted to bake bread in a potje.  Ian was very rude about my bread rolls saying that it would make a good cricket ball but I was quite impressed that it did actually taste like bread even if it was a bit hard to slice. 

Just as we were going to bed, Ian noticed that the ground was covered in small red scorpions and even bigger black ones hiding in their holes – wearing flip flops at night is probably not that wise!


  1. Next time you sleep in the hammock while Ian bakes bread and then compare the result,I am sure you will win the contest Jane.
    Scorpions sound like a nightmare to me!
    Glad you are both well and safe.

  2. Hi Ian
    Your dad is having problems trying to post to this blog ,he has got your phone messages and is pleased to hear your voice and is glad you are both well.
