Monday, 16 November 2015

Day 70 Ihaha Campsite

Our game drive through the park was elephant heaven – the herds are vast.  

We also saw a pride of 9 lionesses (one with a large radio collar). Stopped for lunch at a picnic site but were soon forced back into the landy as a very naughty monkey was determined to steal our food and hissed and spat when we stopped him.

Back at camp for 3 pm to find squatters on our campsite.  A SA couple had decided to use our trees for shade as there site had none – in hindsight we should have offered to swap.  As we started to cook tea the troop of baboons appeared and one in particular proved very nasty.  Ian was chopping wood a few yards from the vehicle and I was getting stuff out of the back when I saw a large male baboon running straight for me at full speed.  I ducked around the corner and jumped into the landy.  The door was half shut when he launched himself at the door – luckily I managed to pull it shut.  He then decided to jump onto the front and started climbing the ladder to the tent.  Lots of shouting from both me and Ian scared him off but the rest of the evening was spent battling with him.  He kept his distance when we were both visible but as soon as Ian moved away from he would come racing back.  At one point I was standing next to the passenger door and Ian walked around the back of the car – I turned to see Ian racing back waving his arms madly and shouting.  I was not amused thinking he was playing a joke on me but turning the other way I saw Mr Nasty Baboon had crept around the front of the vehicle and was about a foot away from me.  Thinking he might be smelling the over ripe bananas in the car, Ian threw them into the “baboon-proof” bin.  It took precisely 30 seconds for the baboon to get into the bin and find the bananas but it did actually mean that he left us alone for a bit.
Managed finally to eat tea without being harassed and were really lucky to see a honey badger right next to our camp.

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