Monday, 14 December 2015

South Africa - the last leg

So we have finally reached the last country on our trip.  We have a week to enjoy some of the remote landscapes of northern South Africa including Namaqualand and the Cedersberg Mountains before reaching Cape Town where we will be joined by Greg.  Really looking forward to a completely different Christmas and New Year experience!

Days 106-108: Richterveld
Days 109-110: Namaqualand
Days 110-112: Cedersberg
Days 113-126: Cape Town

1 comment:

  1. Would like to wish you both a Happy Christmas and New year see you soon back at work Ian if you can drag yourself away from what looks like an amazing adventure! the pictures and commentary have been absolutely brilliant we have all enjoyed this adventure with you both(nice to have a break in the working day) hats off to Jane!! enjoy the last leg of your tour and thanks for sharing Sharon
